
Nokia Catwalk Aluminum Successor To Lumia 920 Rumors

Nokia is still struggling but we cant say that they did not deliver some really nice looking devices to the market that are also backed up with great features. We have heard rumors about new flagship Nokia Catwalk that is coming as a replacement for a very good Lumia 920.

At this moment Catwalk is the code-name for this device and we are not sure if the name will stay as a final. One of the main goals that this company has is to reduce weight and make a thinner device than previous flagships. As a solution rumors say that they will be using aluminum for the case and some components. We all know that the aluminum offers great fell when the device is used and that can be confirmed with Apple iPhone gadgets.

Future flagship that will be delivered by this company will be quite similar to the current one Lumia 920 in the hardware aspect. This comes from the sources that are quite familiar with the plans that Nokia has. According to this we will not be getting any huge improvement in hardware section but in the design field we will have huge difference.


In case that Nokia decides to change from polycarbonate to aluminum we can expect to see some really nice improvements but also we are pretty sure that many fans of this brand will be more than happy to buy this device with improved design. Not all users appreciated the change that Nokia made when they decided to use polycarbonate on some devices so we can expect to see their delight about this.

Latest reports regarding this device say that we might see it this year launched to the market but it is still far from an official confirmation. We also expect to see few more devices from Nokia to be delivered this year but Nokia Catwalk will certainly be a flagship. It would be great to see Nokia to become powerful again and to improve their business and sale results because it would only mean a stronger competition on the market and better devices for us.
source cellphone2013

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