
Nokia Here Maps review

An attempt by Nokia to locate a solution to iPhone users' maps crisis is a partial success, says Matt Warman.

Which company do you think would be nimble enough to jump quickly onto the opportunity presented by Apple’s mistake over its maps software? Surely it’s some start-up from Silicon Valley or Silicon Roundabout, or Google?

The fact that it’s Nokia that is first to release a rival maps app that’s free and a real challenger to Apple’s own new maps is a real testament to how far the company has come under the new leadership of Stephen Elop. Whether it’s come far enough is a different matter, but it’s certainly giving mapping and mobile phones a better go than ever before.
The new Here maps, however, is something of a case in point. It builds on the heritage Nokia benefited from by buying Navteq, and it is a great improvement on the iOS6 maps which, for instance, place some landmarks in the sea and offer listings for shops that closed years ago.
But Here maps falls down in some obvious ways – pinch to zoom doesn’t quite zoom on where you want, meaning you have to constantly rejig the map. The whole look is not as whizzy as either Apple or Google. And while public transport directions are excellent in places, they sometimes deny the existence of entire train lines. Any plans you might have had to replace your costly satnav, as Google users can with their Android phones, won’t work unless you’re walking. So what needed to be a full satnav experience at launch, isn't. Social features for sharing interesting places, and easy editing for personalised maps are nice, but not enough.

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