
Workout Finisher: Full Body Resistance-Free Burn Outs

Finish off your workout strong by burning out every remaining muscle fiber with this bodyweight routine.

                             If you're wrapping up your workout but still have gas left in the tank, want to make sure you've given it your all or even want to boost your muscular and cardio endurance - it's time for a solid finisher.
The following finisher is a bodyweight workout that will target the entire body and challenge yourself four different ways for each movement.


  • Movement: Squat/Air Squat

1. Perform as many reps of air squats as possible without breaking a consistent tempo - any pauses - you're done.
* Rest 15 seconds
2. Perform as many reps as possible, but this time lower yourself into the squat at a pace of 3-4 seconds then explode up.
* Rest 15 seconds
3. Perform as many reps as possible, this time lower yourself quickly and slowly come out of the squat at a pace of 3-4 seconds.
* Rest 15 seconds
4. Hold yourself in the lower squat position for as long as you can.
* Rest 15 seconds and move to the next movement.
Want more than a finisher? Try this full leg workout


  • Movement: Push Ups

1. Perform as many reps as possible without breaking a consistent tempo - any pauses - you're done.
* Rest 15 seconds
2. Perform as many reps as possible, but this time lower yourself into the press at a pace of 3-4 seconds then explode up.
* Rest 15 seconds
3. Perform as many reps as possible, this time lower yourself quickly and slowly come out of the press at a pace of 3-4 seconds.
* Rest 15 seconds
4. Hold yourself with your chest 1-2 inches off the ground for as long as you can.
* Rest 15 seconds and move to the next movement.
Want more than a finisher? Try this full chest routine.


  • Movement: Pull Ups

1. Perform as many reps as possible without breaking a consistent tempo - any pauses - you're done.
* Rest 15 seconds
2. Perform as many reps as possible, but this time lower yourself from the bar at a pace of 3-4 seconds then explode up.
* Rest 15 seconds
3. Perform as many reps as possible, this time lower yourself quickly and slowly pull up to the bar at a pace of 3-4 seconds.
* Rest 15 seconds
4. Hold yourself at approx. the mid-position of the pull up for as long as you can.
* Rest 15 seconds and move to the next movement.
Want more than a finisher? Try this full back routine.


  • Movement: Hanging Knee Raise

1. Perform as many reps as possible without breaking a consistent tempo - any pauses - you're done.
* Rest 15 seconds
2. Perform as many reps as possible, but this time lower your knees a pace of 3-4 seconds then explode up. [keep spine neutral so core is always engaged]
* Rest 15 seconds
3. Perform as many reps as possible, this time lower yourself quickly and slowly pull your knees up at a pace of 3-4 seconds. [keep spine neutral so core is always engaged]
* Rest 15 seconds
4. Hold your knees at the top position for as long as you can.
* Rest 15 seconds and move to the next movement.
Want more than a finisher? Try this full ab/core routine. 


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