
4 Weeks to More Mass: Week 3 Training Log

4 Weeks to More Mass: Week 3 Training Log

              WEEK THREE



* After the last set rest 2 minutes. Add 10-20% more to the bar and perform a negative-only by lowering the bar to the safety pins which should be set to the bottom position of your squat depth. [Do not complete the lifting portion of the movement] Rerack the bar and repeat for 1 more negative-only rep. Keep in mind, this is an advanced movement and should only be performed by individuals with a solid base of training knowledge and experience.

** Perform with feet low and narrow on the platform.

*** Place your hands about your head and lower yourself into a squat position, then explosively jump off the floor. Rest as needed, but the goal is to complete as many reps as possible with as little rest as possible.


* Perform a double drop set during your first set of this exercise. After your last rep of your last (5th) set, set down the bar and remove 20-30% of the load. Perform an additional 2-3 reps. Set down the bar, remove another 20% of the load, rest 15 seconds, perform another 1-2 reps.

** Grab a pair of dumbbells, unlock your knees and bend at the waist until your torso is nearly parallel to the floor. With your palms facing towards you, begin to row the weights up towards your rib cage. As you row, rotate your hands so that by the time you reach the top position your palms are facing away as they would be as the top of a curl. Reverse the movement on the lower portion of the movement.

*** Rest as needed but the goal is to complete as many reps as possible with as little rest as possible.



* Perform a double drop set during your first set of this exercise. After your last rep of your last (5th) set, set down the bar and remove 20-30% of the load. Perform an additional 2-3 reps. Set down the bar, remove another 20% of the load, rest 15 seconds, perform another 1-2 reps.

** Perform with feet high and wide on the platform.


* Perform a rest-pause for the 4th set of this exercise. Upon failure, rack the bar, rest 15 seconds and perform 2-3 more repetitions.

** Grab a set of dumbbells that will allow you to perform 10 bicep curls. After you're completed, drop the weight by 30% and complete 10 reps. Repeat this pattern for 4 sets.

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