
Apple iPhone 5S Will Come With A Different Screen Sizes And Colors For Users To Choose

                                                                       Not so long ago Apple delivered iPhone to the market and in only few years this become most popular line of smartphones. Latest version is the Apple iPhone 5 and there are announcements that this tech giant might bring a 5S
version that will bring features that we were not able to see from this company until now.

According to sources this version might be delivered with a choice for users. It seams that Apple is preparing this device to be delivered with a more than one version when it comes with a screen size and color of the device. With this move Apple will try to offer more choices for the buyers of the iPhone, something similar Android users have with many different devices, screen sizes, features and ultimately prices.

In this report we were able to also hear about the possibility that there will be more than one color of the case. This is quite unusual for Apple but it seams that the next iPhone will be delivered in yellow, blue, pink, white and silver and black and slate combination also.


There are still many information’s that are unknown regarding this device but we will track everything and as soon as we find out more we will bring additional news about this very popular device. Best guess is that the production of this gadget will begin in March or April and that the launch date will be set for May or June.

These information’s were delivered by Brian White, analyst from Topeka Capital Market and here is the text that we were able to see:

“Our checks indicate that the next iPhone will have more choices for customers. This entails an expansion in both the color patterns and screen sizes with the next iPhone (i.e., likely called the iPhone 5S) that we currently believe will be launched in May/June with certain supply production starting in March/April…

Our checks are also indicating that the next iPhone will offer customers more choice in terms of screen size,” White reported. “Although Apple offers a 4-inch screen on the iPhone 5 and a 3.5-inch screen on the iPhone 4S and iPhone 4, the Company has never offered multiple screen sizes for a single model. We believe this is about to change with the next iPhone offering different screen sizes that we believe will allow Apple to better bifurcate the market and expand its reach.”-Brian White, analyst, Topeka Capital Market.
source cellphone2013

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