
Jump Start Your Fat Loss(Day 2)

Day 2

1A. Push Press
Reps: 8–10
Hold the bar at
shoulder level. Dip your knees as if you were going to jump, and use the momentum to press
the bar overhead.
1B. Overhead Med Ball Squat Throw
Reps: 8–10
Hold a medicine ball at your chest and stand with feet shoulder width. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor and then jump as high as you can. As you jump, throw the ball overhead. Allow the ball to bounce once, scoop it up, and repeat.
2A. Incline Dumbbell Press
Reps: 8–10
Set an adjustable bench to a 30- to 45-degree angle and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Lie back against the bench and position the weights at chest level. Press overhead.
2B. Lying Med Ball Chest Throw

Reps: 8–10
Hold a medicine ball at chest level with both hands and lie on the floor. Throw the ball straight overhead and catch it on the way down, letting your arms decelerate it back to your chest.
3A. T-Pushup 
Reps: 12–15 (each side)
Perform a pushup and then rotate to your right side, reaching your right arm straight overhead so your body forms a T shape. Raise your left arm on the next rep.
3B. Plyo Pushup
Reps: 8–12
Perform a pushup and come up explosively so that your hands leave the floor. Land with soft elbows and begin the next rep immediately.
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